The Study Abroad Top Ten: How to Make the Most of Your Semester Abroad

By Daytripper Ambassador, Hailey Gardner

Studying abroad is an exciting and rewarding opportunity! These are the top ten ways to enhance your travel abroad experience that I learned from my time in Florence, Italy.


Depending on your host country and the duration of your study abroad, you will most likely need to attain a Study Visa. While the appointment for your Visa must be within 90 days of your departure, you MUST schedule your appointment ahead of time. Also be sure to confirm your appointment within 7 days of the appointment date. So many people have horror stories of showing up to an appointment that had been cancelled by the consulate because they failed to click a confirmation button. Paperwork is very detailed and can take substantial time to complete. Make sure that you allow yourself plenty of time to acquire all the necessary documentation and definitely make copies! The consulate also many not tell you this, but you will need a pre-paid envelope that is self-addressed for the return of your documentation. 


One of the things I was most nervous about was what I should do with my phone. Should I buy a cheap phone there? Should I take advantage of an international plan with my current provider? The answer to both of these questions is NO. You can buy phone service plans from a foreign provider when you arrive. I purchased a data plan through Vodafone for about 20 euros each month. This was significantly cheaper and easier than any other option. Communicate with your family and friends through an app called "WhatsApp." Download the application off of the App Store and connect with your relatives via Facetime and call whenever, wherever!


Weather dependent, of course, pack items that you will use every day and enjoy wearing. You do not need to bring that cool dress that you wore that one time that you had to search for ten minutes and finally found in the back of your closet. The reality of the situation is that you will shop while you are abroad—sorry, Mom and Dad! Leave space for some new, local clothing items that you find while exploring your new city.


This is something you may not think even to consider. I certainly didn't until one of my relatives mentioned it. Make sure that your credit card does not have foreign transaction fees.

These penalties can be pretty hefty and are avoidable. If you do not have a credit card without foreign transaction fees, make sure to leave enough time to sign up for one! I recommend the Bank of America Travel Reward Card!


Once you have settled in your host country, take advantage of the local cuisine. I love finding new cafés and often find the coffee is much better- and cheaper than Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts. European cafés have a very relaxed vibe and are often one of the best study places.


One of the great opportunities of studying abroad is that you get to live in a totally new place! However, you are not limited to just your study location. Be adventurous and plan trips with your friends to nearby cities or even different countries. Many companies offer student-guided tours with discounted activities. One of my personal favorites, Bus2Alps, arranged travel for my friends and me for our Fall Break. Bus2Alps will provide you with transportation, sleeping arrangements, and offer tours of the cities you visit! This is an easy way to explore without the pressure of making your own travel arrangements.


Do not be afraid to study abroad alone. Please believe me when I say you don't need to go with your friends in order to have fun. I traveled to Florence without knowing anyone and have had a fantastic experience. Make friends in your classes, at cafés, and local events. A semester abroad is an opportunity to learn more about yourself. It is okay to be uncomfortable at first. Challenge yourself, and you will see just how much you are capable of accomplishing.


Get involved!! Most Universities offer community service opportunities or have someone that you can contact about volunteering. This is a great way to learn more about your host country and give back to the community. Take advantage of any opportunity to immerse yourself with the locals. Understand and appreciate cultural differences. After all, this is your home away from home!!  


I highly recommend reaching out to former students or even relatives for recommendations on sightseeing, food, travel, and activities. Not to say that you shouldn't try new places, but study abroad students always seem to find some of the best hidden gems. Approach the situation with an open mind, and you will be all the more rewarded.


A picture is worth a thousand words.  They say if you didn't take a photo, it didn't happen. Blah, Blah Blah. BUT SERIOUSLY, BRING A CAMERA. It doesn't even have to be a nice camera! I brought tons of disposables that I will develop when I go home. Being abroad is such a wonderful time, and you will want pictures to remind yourself of that.


**Hailey Gardner is a sophomore undeclared Business Major at Fairfield University in Connecticut. She is currently studying abroad in Florence at the Florence University of the Arts. She is an avid coffee drinker, enjoys running and yoga, loves traveling, and has an ever so slight shopping addiction.